VMG Blades specialise in fully customised formula fins for every racer. Fins make a huge difference to your sailing and VMG Blades will customise the right fin for you. We are here to help you get into your VMG Groove.
When you are in your groove, you know that you are sailing at your best!
Fins make a huge difference to your sailing and not all fins are created equal. VMG Blades believe that there’s a severe lack of information out there about fins. How can you ever make an informed choice? What’s worse, how can you be sure you’ve got the right fin? We want you to understand fins and how VMG Blades will truly customise the right fin for you.
In this site, we share our expert knowledge in Finology 101. This is where you’ll come to grips with things like twist, induced drag and torsional stiffness.
Read Why VMG? To understand what makes us different and the best fins for you.
You can view our Fin Range, to get a snapshot of the difference between each of the fins. In the future, you’ll even be able to make your own fin with our Fin Customiser.
VMG Blades